
Earlier in blogger blog there is no special arrangement to display our own branded favicon on blogger blog, only Blogger fevicon was displayed. But after provisioning blogger to upload and display favicon in advanced manner. Favicons can be displayed under sizes 16x16 and 32x32, the website owners who have purchased Domains on Google customized settings on blogger blog can make necessary arrangements to display your own fevicon on blog/website. Have you noticed your blog fevicon under Internet explorer only orange icon (blogger favicon) displays, but custom favicon displays in Firefox, chrome and other major browsers.
Here, BlogTariff educates you about how it'll work and make it custom favicon well displayed under Internet Explorer also.

Earlier executed methods for fevicons

Search for the code <head> Just after this code paste the below code link
<link rel="icon" href="LOGO Link in gif format" type="image/gif" />
Or try this
<link href='LOGO link in .ico Format' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>
Sometimes after inserting the above code won't works properly due to fetching IE with favicon from the root domain.

Why IE won’t accept the icons

  • First reason IE won’t accept those images which are hosted under picas or any other hosting services or your sub domains.
  • IE second reason is favicon extension i.e not hoarded in .ico format
  • IE third reason is size of favicon

Right way to upload Favicon to blogger

Blogger enables your jpeg or gif extension image files to .ico format automatically. Just following these steps makes you to display favicon.
Create a 16x16 or 32x32 size log on photoscape or photoshop or any image editor.
Just rename your image with name as favicon.
Sign into your blogger blog

Under Design – Page elements on top you’ll find Fevicon element
Click on Edit and upload your favicon already created
Then wait few hours to display your icon properly on both address bar and Tab bar

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