
Most of the Facebook users don't know about how to protect their private details.
According the survey reveals maximum percent of the facebook users share all their information with their friends and others on their wall posts.
Users won't bother about privacy settings or they aren't aware of it.
Now criminals are advanced maintaining Facebook accounts and gathering about all the information about the personnel's who are in their range from the Facebook accounts where privacy settings are not strong.

  • Due to anxiety adding anonymous persons as friend to your page makes much difference, about sharing personnel information via friends.
  • Don't add unknown persons to your page from search or from your friends page
  • Facebook recently introduced about verification of account by phone, adding phone number to profile makes third parties to catch you easily, so don't share your phone number publicly.

There are suggestion for to all the facebook users to follow.

  • At last if you don't want to use your facebook account longer and to delete it, do remember that certain information would remain on facebook for 90 days from the date of deletion.
  • Think before when you type, whether any of your private information was not shared on your wall posts.
  • On the regular basis just review your privacy setting whether any of private information was not shared with third parties by selecting public option.
  • Lots of information could be exposed publicly by showing with "friends of friends".
  • Limit your private information within you on facebook apps as "only to me"

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