
Most of the Internet users searches information only on Google search and remaining on Yahoo,rediff,bing etc. Earlier only website/blog link shown on Google search some times it is difficult to find our duet to same name with different extensions i.e .com .net .org etc. so on,
Now after Google + launched by Google labs, its easy to show your personnel image on Google search.
What are the advantages for showing image on Google search results:

  • Blog/website owners can claim their content on internet. 
  • All the rights of blog/website content will remain own.
  • There will be more security for your content, images, and videos.
  • Blog/website subscribers/viewers gets confidence and identify very easily by image on Google search.
  • Blog/website traffic will be increased and chances to increase more readers by attracting image.
  • Google will respects these type of blog/websites.

Here BlogTariff explains about how to show image on Google search step by step:

First step:
To show image on Google search first create an "About me" page on which your blog/website to appear.
Create an account on "Google+ (Google plus)" with your original name (These name would appear on Google search as " post by....................". If you don't have then immediately create it for your blog/website.
Click on "Add a Gadget" and Add the below HTML widget code save it on sidebar.
<a href="Google Plus profile Linkrel="author" target="_blank"> Join me on Google+</a>
Replace your Google + link with the above highlighted Red color 
To know your Google + Code just find how your google code looks like......

Then after adding Google plus code into your blog, then Go to Dashboard >>> Design >>>Click on Edit HTML >>> Expand widget and search for below code
After find the above code paste the below code before it,
<a rel="author" href="">About</a>
Replace the red code with your link of about me page and save the template.
Upload your image to "About me" page. Note that image size should be 128px width and 128px height.
Just add your notes on about me page which links to your name as shown below
<a rel="me" href=Google Plus Link  title="Your Full Name ">Your First Name</a>
Now Go to Google + account and click on edit profile link.....where you find "Contributors" click on that link and paste your blog/website link, in the same way Add your "About me" page link also and save.
Remember what you've image uploaded to About me page should be same in Google plus also with size of 150px square.
That's all you've done....after few hours your with the help of Google rich snippet can view your image on Google search. If you all done correct then a message " Your authorship has been verified" will be displayed.
Note: This all will take about two to three months to display your image on Google search
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