
Sharing your personnel information online sometimes makes data vulnerable, we should not believe those sites unless if it necessary to access the information from different locations. There are lots of sites available online which offers to store valuable data for Free. Do you know a special tool available in your computer to store Address, Phone numbers; which enables you’re to retrieve very easily?

Here, BlogTariff explains you how to store personnel details in your system

Go to Start button –> Select Programs –> Select Accessories –> where you can find “Address book’.

After selection Address book a pop window displayed –> Click ‘Yes’ to Enter.

After displaying Address book window Select New Contact –> A Small window will be displayed to enter your information, category wise Tab are available as Name, Home, Business, Personal, Other, Ne Meeting, Digital IDs.

Search you required contact by “Find People”.
Make print of required contact information.
Import contact information from other sources of files under, File –> Import
Edit particular contact information at any time by double click

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